Thursday, 11 February 2016

100 wc by Tyrone

 Waiting to get back my math test the teacher calls my name. Come get your math test. Nervously walking up palms are sweaty as I look I saw an A so much relief. I couldn't wait to show my parents. Rushing home as my mom sees my test she was shocked to see I got an A. Next day when I go to school first thing when I get in the door the teacher says to me sorry the test got mixed up this is your test as I take a look I see a C-. Oh poop, I said to myself.


  1. It's a good story! Though you might want to change those 4 *'s, I think we all know what your trying to say.

  2. Drama included suspense included but...the ending kind of left me hanging a bit.

  3. Your personality really shines through in the story from the beginning to the end. Great job using capitals and periods to complete your sentences. Next time you can work on commas and adding descriptive language. Keep on writing.
