Thursday 5 May 2016

100 WC week #16 by tyrone

Doing my driving test, turning left at a intersection. Making the turn we head towards the highway 4. Trying to merge but some moron wouldn't let me in. So I stept on the gas reaching speeds up to 150 km. but he cut me off quickly jolt the wheel and swerved off the road CRASH. My eyes went black hearing the sounds of sirens I wake up and police and ambulances were every where, people running over to help me they put me in the back of an ambulance.


  1. Your story is very confusing, you are taking the driving test, then a guy doesn't let you merge, then you try to race him, then you crash? You might want to clean that up. Also you have a lot of grammar mistakes. Make sure your story flows especially the first sentence. Good Job.

  2. Creative story! Really important though, make sure you have a title and you use the prompt in your story. You're missing the word "suddenly"!
